
Showing posts from August, 2017

A look into the past...... year that is!

From the city to the country, he's followed me the whole way!! It was interesting to see Shane's reaction to the country.  Honestly I didn't think he would like it because it was so far out. Later in the year the trees pretty much grow over the road and create a canopy effect.  We probably spent days walking miles around just exploring and see what was around.  I loved that he enjoyed it as much as I do.  I love to get detached from the city every now and them.  Helps keep me sane maybe lol. Above is one of my favorites I took.  Was surprised the iPhone 6s+ would have even picked up the moon at all, but I love how it turned out.  I don't remember why we were out that late, it gets super dark at night. Not much left of this one. Cleverly hidden amongst the pines is a CopperHead I almost sat on. Gotta be more careful!

New beginnings

  Patience is they key.  I've come to learn that; “Impatience is not only a mark of immaturity and unbelief, but it is a mark of fleshly living.” Excerpt From: Wiersbe, Warren. “The Strategy of Satan.” Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2011-12-15. iBooks.  Blending two different lived together is never easy, but with perseverance, patience, and a few other key fruits it can be done.   The only differences we have is 17 years.  Yes it makes a relationship difficult, and many times I forget that there is that age gap between us.  On the plus side,we've almost reached one year, and it has been difficult and rough. Worth every moment.      A Better Beginning  A night stroll around Dallas, babe looking for abandoned places.  This one was quite an interesting find. Above photo was taken by me.  Below is one from Wikipedia to show full building, and some history of it from an additional source credited below. The  Knights of Pythia...