On my way! Cochabamba in the horizon

3 airports left until I rest my head, but who's counting!! :-). Over 4 years of waiting for a vision to be fulfilled.  Something I found more interesting was that it has been 7 years sence I have started my life over and fully committed myself to The Lord.  Even better than that, it will have been 30 years sence my dream with God. Something that tops that is, four is "curative works" or "creation" and seven represents "fathers perfection".
Who could really argue with this.  Only God could arrange an ex drug addict, dope dealin bartender hell bent on a one way path to hell taking everyone with him and completely shatter his life into pieces forcing me to start right where God wantd me to be in the first place.
Sometimes we need to step back from our lives and start to reposition ourselves where God wants us. If you are at a place to where everyone turns to you for answers, they all ask you for help, people come to you because you have all the answers, you are the smartest in you group, you have a large group of people who depend on you, you have to teach those you work with, everyone comes to you to learn and you must teach those around you, IT IS TIME TO REPOSITION YOURSELF.  Allow yourself to move to a place to where you feel studied, to where you don't know every thing, to where you can learn and be taught. 
We must realize all we have is time. We can't make it, take it back, reuse it or repeat it.  We must use the time we have!!  The first question God asked Adam was, where are you?  My question is "Where are you"?
